
City of Santa Monica - Adaptive Reuse Ordinance

932 Hill Omgivning Rendering

In the fall of 2024, the City of Santa Monica adopted an Adaptive Reuse Ordinance to encourage housing production and incentivize the reuse of underutilized commercial buildings and sites. Omgivning has extensive experience crafting adaptive reuse policies for cities, and they worked with the City of Santa Monica to fine-tune this innovative policy and test it out with five redevelopment schemes.

While Santa Monica has large office buildings that could be converted or partially converted, there are many smaller commercial buildings that are underutilized as well. These buildings are often at risk of demolition, potentially being replaced with oversized developments that could drastically alter the city’s character and scale. Santa Monica has always been forward-thinking in its approach to policy and redevelopment and recognizes that discouraging demolition and promoting reuse are essential components for creating a sustainable and resilient city. In addition, this approach also helps to maintain the charm of the city while introducing more housing and helping to make reuse economically viable.

Santa Monica’s planning department has crafted a smart and thoughtful ordinance that offers financial incentives to property owners and developers to increase density and revenue potential, while also focusing on sustainability and preserving the character of the city’s streetscapes.

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Feasibility Assessments Steps for Adaptive Reuse

Quick Start Feasibility Dearden's

STEP ONE: Quick Start Feasibility

Is The Project Worth Pursuing?
Quick Start Feasibility is the first step in exploring the potential of your building for adaptive reuse. With a focus on a low cost study, efficiency, and actionable insights, this service is the first step for clients who need a swift yet reliable evaluation of whether a project is worth moving forward with.


Site Visit
-- Brief site visit walkthrough with architect, structural engineer, and general contractor to assess the building’s current condition and potential for reuse.

High-Level Code and Zoning Review
-- High level analysis of critical codes and zoning regulations to identify potential barriers or opportunities for your project’s feasibility.

Existing Documentation Review
-- Review any existing building documentation provided.

Structural Input
-- High level analysis of seismic upgrade triggers and anticipated upgrades with ballpark cost based on comparative projects.

-- Plan Diagram (program diagrams showing leasable sf, unit counts, etc.)
-- Summary of initial code review, adaptive reuse incentives, and list of challenges and opportunities
-- Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) budget

Our team, with decades of adaptive reuse experience, can quickly assess the key factors needed for our clients to decide if a project is feasible. If so, this study lays the foundation for the next step of deeper exploration onto the Viability Blueprint.

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Open Letter to Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass from AIA + Omgivning

AIA Logo Letter REcommendations

An initiative of the AIA|LA Government Outreach Committee w/ the Leadership & Support of Omgivning

AIA Los Angeles is making on recommendations to the City of Los Angeles to prioritize housing production and preservation, and include specific solutions to address our ongoing housing and homelessness crisis.

With the help of Omgivning, an open letter has been crafted and sent to Mayor Karen Bass with Recommendations to Improve & Advance Adaptive Reuse Citywide.

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USC Dornsife Discussion - Low Rise, High Stakes

USC Low rise High Stakes

Low Rise, High Stakes: What New State Laws Mean for Housing Policy, Residential Architecture, and Neighborhood Development in Los Angeles

Omgivning's Karin Liljegren and Albert Escobar presented in a discussion about California's SB9 and their award winning concept for low-rise density buildings. Watch this clip for Liljegren and Escobar's portion of the panel

Co-sponsored by Third LA and the Huntington-USC Institute on California and the West, this panel features architects, housing experts, and city planners that will consider the impact of Senate Bill 9, which allows single-family lots to be subdivided to hold up to four residential units, as well as other new state housing legislation. The discussion focused on strategies to promote affordability, neighborhood cohesion, and multigenerational living as the City works to locate housing closer to transit lines and job centers.

Moderated by Christopher Hawthorne, Chief Design Officer for the City of Los Angeles and Director of the Third L.A. Series at USC Dornsife, the panel also featured Thomas Robinson and Michael Faulkner from LEVER Architecture; Matt Glesne and Sarah Molina-Pearson from Los Angeles Department of City Planning; and Alejandro Gonzalez from Genesis LA.

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Our Recommendations to reform policies related to L.A.’s Non-Ductile Concrete Buildings

NDC Construction photo

Thinking Beyond The Ordinance

Creating a framework for reform to ensure economic viability, improve housing security, and foster sustainability

An Omgivning-led white paper report aims to contribute ideas and solutions for Los Angeles' post-earthquake resilience of non-ductile concrete buildings. To better prepare for Southern California’s next big earthquake, we spearheaded a team of stakeholders, including architects, engineers, city agencies and advocacy groups, with a white paper seeking to provide recommendations to reform the City of L.A.’s Non-Ductile Concrete (NDC) Ordinance. Constituting most concrete buildings erected before the 1976 L.A. City Building Code, “Non-Ductile” buildings are often brittle or inflexible due to minimal steel reinforcing, and therefore have not been safely reinforced to sustain earthquake damage. As currently written, L.A.’s NDC Ordinance requires all concrete buildings designed prior to January 13, 1977 to achieve minimum structural requirements within 25 years, or be demolished.

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CCA Partners with Omgivning For Their Adaptive Reuse White Paper

Fabric DTLA for CCA White Paper Cover

Central City Association (CCA) White Paper Provides Framework for Expanding Adaptive Reuse to Support Economic Recovery and Housing Creation

Central City Association (CCA) is an advocacy organization focusing on Central Los Angeles and Downtown. As the premiere adaptive reuse architects of Los Angeles, Omgivning partned with CCA to release a white paper on adaptive reuse's power to spur economic recovery from the pandemic and address the deep housing shortage, homelessness, and affordability crisis in the City of Los Angeles.

Adaptive reuse -- the repurposing of underutilized buildings to meet communities' present needs -- is a proven, successful practice that is especially key now as cities navigate changing demands to office, retail, hotel spaces and more.

CCA provides a set of recommendations, including allowing adaptive reuse citywide, that the City can implement now to convert obsolete buildings into housing and community-serving facilities.

Omgivning contributed heavily to the details in this report along with developer Tom Gilmore & Associates. Read the full white paper with a list of detailed recommendations at

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California Historical Building Code and Incentivizing Reuse Webinar from the California Preservation Foundation and Omgivning

California Historic Building Code with Omgivning talk Banner

The California Historical Building Code and Incentivizing Reuse Historic buildings provide challenges in meeting today's building codes. However, the California Historical Building Code (CHBC) is an alternative code to retain the historic character and features while meeting the accessibility and life safety mandates.

In the Fall of 2020 Karin Liljegren, FAIA and Joel Chappo, AIA of Omgivning presented a webinar on California Historic Building Code (CHBC) hosted by the California Preservation Foundation.

In this informative talk from Los Angeles's premier Adaptive Reuse Architecture and Interiors firm, Liljegren and Chappo discuss:

- Historic Broadway Commercial Reuse Bulletin: How LA City used the CHBC as a tool to incentivize redevelopment of an entire historic district
- Case Studies on applying Sections of the CHBC
- Applying the CHBC with Use & Occupancy, Fire Protection, Means of Egress, and Accessibility

Watch the full talk:

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Ordering a Poolside Cocktail Just Got Easier

pool enclosure

Accessing amenities within a pool enclosure is once again possible! Omgivning’s successful collaboration with LA County officials allows developers and designers to improve how millions of people experience pools in LA, all while improving safety.

Rooftop and open-air pools in Los Angeles used to allow people to freely go from the pool to the bar. However in 2016, barriers around pools became required additions, impeding easy access to and from the pool amenity areas. These pool enclosures were due to an LA County-issued interpretation of the state code for pool enclosures.

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What Do Architects Want from a Green New Deal?

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It's exciting to imagine that the Green New Deal might turn more real if the 2020 election goes... in a certain direction. For this piece by The Architect's Newspaper, Karin Liljegren talked about her wish list for the legislation.

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